‘Off the Scales’ - Welcome to the weekly E-Letter

Hello Friends,

Welcome to the first letter connected to ‘Off the Scales’. Thank you for being here.

Over the next six weeks I’ll be sending out a weekly letter to say a bit more about the project as it unfolds, share some reflections and let you in on some insider info. I hope this helps us feel better connected - that you feel invested in the project, and understand a bit more about why and how it’s all coming together. Imagine that I’m telling you this over a hot cuppa in your favourite local cafe. 

This letter also comes with an invitation. You are always welcome to reply and let me know if anything resonates with you in what I’m sharing. This show concept gets better every single time someone responds. True story. 

Above all I’d love for you to take 5 minutes out of your day to have a read of this letter, if you’d like to. Perhaps over that cuppa with a biscuit (who am I kidding, it’s always two!) 

So, what’s been happening so far?

After stepping outside of my comfort zone and declaring out loud to the world (or at least through bits of the world I am connected to) that I was starting to write a musical about weight loss groups, and that it was connected to my own experiences, I have been overwhelmed with the reaction of support. Molly, Aileen and I have collectively interviewed over 20 people who have shared their personal stories with such honesty and vulnerability it has been an inspiring experience. Others have sent emails with written memories, or shared a song that is connected to their journey in some way. Everything we have received has been with such heart and I am constantly reminded about the purposes behind the original idea - something unexpectedly magical happens when people come together and share their highs and lows, their goals and their fears, with openness.

I notice common themes emerging around what it is to both give and receive support from others. How tough things feel more manageable when we have people in our corner.  How the shame and stigma connected to weight gain, and indeed to weight loss, can be lessened by surrounding ourselves with people who experience some of the same hurdles. The collective acceptance and understanding of people who have walked a mile in each other's shoes, even if we have very little else in common, is incredibly connecting. 

I also notice, in the feedback received from those we have spoken to so far, how empowering it is to be listened to. In my years attending Weight Watchers something has repeatedly struck me; so many people are unheard and their voices are suppressed. Whilst this research process is about building ideas and keeping the show rooted in real life, a huge part of my drive to begin this project was to give people space to reflect and be listened to. 

Thank you for taking a moment to read this first reflection. 

I can’t wait to share some show ideas with you soon…!

I’ll catch up with you again next week. Until then, take good care.


Kate x


‘Off the Scales’ - Welcome Back: E-Letter 2